Daniel Joseph Min
2005-11-09 05:13:13 UTC
Here's kind of a reverse impression that might fit here. After
watching Rachel Griffins (Griffiths?) as Brenda on Six Feet Under for
many, many years, at the end of the series I saw a show where the
actors voiced some opinions and it was with a feeling of shock that
there she was, talking in "Aussie" ! I was so used to her perfect
American accent as Brenda, that her Aussie-speak sounded phony! Then
I was, Heyyy ! She IS Australian, and all this time she has not been
speaking in her natural voice on the show. Neat.
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----watching Rachel Griffins (Griffiths?) as Brenda on Six Feet Under for
many, many years, at the end of the series I saw a show where the
actors voiced some opinions and it was with a feeling of shock that
there she was, talking in "Aussie" ! I was so used to her perfect
American accent as Brenda, that her Aussie-speak sounded phony! Then
I was, Heyyy ! She IS Australian, and all this time she has not been
speaking in her natural voice on the show. Neat.
Yes, I remember that; it was just before the final episode of
'Six Feet Under' when HBO ran that "making of" special, which
interviewed the actors, writers, producers and directors Alan
Ball & Co. And what an amazing and thoroughly heart-wrenching
episode it was... the bar definitely was raised, as they said.
That was THE best television episode I'd ever seen in my life!
I'm frankly astonished that it wasn't discussed on more groups. :(
I coincidentally did know that the actress who played "Brenda
Chenowith", Rachel Griffiths, was Australian, from seeing her
in previous interviews. I guess our Brit/Aussie neighbors are
given to mimic American accents in much the same way as we're
inclined to imitate theirs, as we did the fab four of Beatles'
practically god-like notoriety they'd enjoyed back in the 60s.
(related groups added)
Daniel Joseph Min
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